IBM Db2 is a family of related data management products, including relational database servers, developed and marketed by IBM. These statistics are stored in DB2 catalog tables. It also collects statistics used for space management. A DB2 utility used to collect statistics about the data values in tables which can be used by the optimizer to decide the access path. DB2 is optimized for each platform to maximize. It can be scaled from hand-held computers to single processors to clusters of computers and is multimedia-capable with image, audio, video, and text support.

DB2 Universal Database is a Web-enabled relational database management system that supports data warehousing and transaction processing. RS can help with result set stability and releases locks on rows that. CS locks or unlocks each row that's currently referenced by the cursor. UR can help with getting access to read-only tables and read-only queries. Example: "The DB2 isolation levels are Uncommitted Read (UR), Cursor Stability (CS), Red Stability (RS) and Repeatable Read (RR).